Friday, 30 December 2011

Old & New

Sad start to the weekend; we had to go to a funeral. The chap was a relatively new member of our church. I had just got to know him. His wife, Jess spoke to me about four weeks ago and asked if she could buy one of my books for her husband to read. I gave her HELL’S GATE. I don’t even know if he had a chance to read it because he was quite ill before he went into hospital. I’m sure Jess will let me know when she gets some semblance of normality back into her life.
I knuckled down as promised and got stuck into my manuscript. But today we have friends coming over (in about one hour!) and because of the funeral and getting things ready for our guests, I’m afraid there’s no time to spend on my writing.
I’ve been asked to give a talk about e-books on local, English language television out here in Spain next month. I expect they think I’m an expert on Kindle and Nook, etc., but in truth I only know what I know by owning a Kindle and formatting a document for my own books. That’s hard work too! But with the help of a preloaded Q & A from the studio, I should be OK.
If any of you have had a look at my web page lately, my son has updated it to include my latest book, THE BOY FROM BERLIN. He has told me that later in the year (?) he will update the website and make it more ‘swish’. Its great having a family member who is a lot cleverer than yourself and who does these things for no payment.
Tomorrow is the end of the year and the time to think about resolutions. I never make them. Been around too long to believe that I can change habits of a lifetime simply by resolving not to do something I’ve been doing a long time. But, I tell a lie: I always make a resolution to make a million pounds. Haven’t done it yet, but I keep trying.
So, Happy New Year to all my readers and I do hope you keep those resolutions you so earnestly and honestly make.

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